ISO standards are pivotal in promoting enjoyable, sustainable and responsible travel experiences. They address key factors such as service quality, environmental impact, and cultural sensitivity, training requirements for tourism-related professions as well as guidance on how to communicate leisure and entertainment offerings, helping to enhance the reputation and competitiveness of destinations and service providers.

Ценная информация

Young woman wearing a protective face mask taps on her smartphone as she waits for a night flight at a quiet airport terminal gate.

Техника путешествий

Пять инноваций, которые изменят то, как вы путешествуете.

Smiling man who has a prosthetic leg, is sitting next to his kayak.

По Clare Naden от

Топ-5: стандарты на доступную среду во время путешествий
ИСО занимается повышением уровня доступности для всех везде, включая туристические объекты. Ниже приведены несколько стандартов ИСО, которые могут помочь.

Top standards

ISO 21401:2018
Tourism and related services
Sustainability management system for accommodation establishments


ISO 21902:2021
Tourism and related services
Accessible tourism for all

Requirements and recommendations

ISO 22483:2020
Tourism and related services

Service requirements