ISO competency framework for standards development professionals
Разработка стандартов |
Economic benefits of standards
Разработка стандартов |
Model International Standard
Разработка стандартов |
Getting started toolkit for ISO Committee Managers
Разработка стандартов |
ISO Standardization Foresight Framework - Trend Report 2022
Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов |
Gender Responsive Standards
Разработка стандартов |
Standards and public policy: a toolkit for national standards bodies
Разработка стандартов |
ISO policy brief - A primer on public policy
Разработка стандартов |
Project Management Methodology in the ISO and IEC environment – Good practices
Разработка стандартов |
Getting started toolkit for committee liaisons
Разработка стандартов |
Getting started toolkit for ISO working group Convenors
Разработка стандартов |
Guidance for ISO national standards bodies
Разработка стандартов |
Economic benefits of standards Volume 2
Разработка стандартов |
Competition Law Guidelines for Participants in the ISO Standards Development Process
Разработка стандартов |
Fast forward
Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов |
Guidance for ISO liaison organizations-Engaging stakeholders
Разработка стандартов |
Guidance on Twinning in ISO standards development activities
Разработка стандартов |
Building linkages for export success
Разработка стандартов |
Economic benefits of Standards - ISO Methodology 2.0
Разработка стандартов |
Teaching Standards. Good practices for collaboration between National Standards Bodies and universities
Разработка стандартов |
ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct
Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов |
International Classification for Standards (ICS)
Об ИСО, Разработка стандартов |
Good Standardization Practices (GSP)
Разработка стандартов |
Guidance on new work
Разработка стандартов |
Model Amendment to an International Standard
Разработка стандартов |
Getting started toolkit for ISO committee Chairs
Разработка стандартов |
Using and referencing ISO and IEC standards to support public policy
Разработка стандартов |
Twinning is winning — Partnerships for capacity building
Разработка стандартов |
ISO policy on communication of committee work - Policy on communication of committee work to external parties and document retention
Разработка стандартов |
How to best use IEC and ISO standards - A user guide on licensing options and respecting copyright
Разработка стандартов |
Economic benefits of standards Volume 1
Разработка стандартов |
My ISO job - What delegates and experts need to know
Разработка стандартов |
ISO and IEC International Standards for policy makers
Разработка стандартов |