Greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants pose a serious threat to public health and to the ecosystems that sustain our lives and economies. ISO standards help reduce pollution and health risks for example by defining measurement methods and providing benchmarks for various environments, including workplaces and other indoor spaces as well as outdoor air.

Ценная информация

Kigali housing with the Convention Centre in the background, Rwanda.

На пути к чистому воздуху в Руанде

Стандарты помогают внедрять топливоэффективные технологии для сокращения выбросов парниковых газов.

Sparkling sea under a clear blue sky.

Дыша легко в международный день чистого воздуха для чистого неба

Стандарты ИСО способствуют тому, что мы дышим здоровым воздухом на здоровой планете.

Top standards

ISO 22262-1:2012
Air quality
Bulk materials

Part 1: Sampling and qualitative determination of asbestos in commercial bulk materials

ISO 16000-3:2022
Indoor air
Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds in indoor and test chamber air

Active sampling method

ISO 16000-6:2021
Indoor air
Part 6: Determination of organic compounds (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) in indoor and test chamber air by active sampling on sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography using MS or MS FID